Next up to get 'Lou-ed' is Italy's very own, Mr Manuel le Saux... :)
Lou - Hey Manny, thank you for talking to me :) I've been LOVING hearing your 'Top Twenty Tunes of 2008 ...' series - and there have been so many that make my ears prick up and remember where I was when I heard them for the first time. What were your highlights of 2008?
Manny - Well in my 'Top Twenty Tunes - Best of 2008' series I've just played my favourite tracks from 2008... The number 1 was Aly & Fila - 'Lost Language'... Amazing song...
Lou - You've done some awesome remixes/collabs with other artists, who/what was the most challenging to work with?
Manny - I have loved to work with all the artists that I've done a collaboration with. Paul Miller, Digital Nature and my friend Astuni... I hope to work with my best friend Giuseppe Ottaviani one day...
Lou - Some big names there... I'm loving your newest release 'Dissidia'... What are the tracks that are doing it for you at the moment?
Manny - Lately, I'm playing a lot of my new tracks, and I really like all of Activa's tracks.
Lou - Tell us about your studio set up? What decks/hardware/software do you use?
Manny - I use Cubase 4 and I use my virus too and some vast instruments
Lou - You've got some awesome gigs lined up for in the near future (Trance Gate Carnival in Milan, Luminosity in Holland, Digital Society in Leeds UK) - where has been your favourite club/country to play out?
Manny - I like almost all the countries and clubs where I've played. Lately I'm playing a lot in the UK, and I love the trance scene there...
Lou - That's good to hear! :) Do you have any strange requests on your riders for gigs?...
Manny - Strange requests are for first ladies... and I'm sure I'm not... ;)
Lou - Haha! I think you can safely say you're a man, Manny... ;) Have you ever had any dj'ing disasters?...
Manny - Absolutely never.. I should thank god for this :D
Lou - Good to hear! :) I know you mentioned Giuseppe earlier, so do you have many famous friends who are also in the industry?
Manny - I do have a lot, but my closer ones are Giuseppe Ottaviani, Fila, Sean Tyas and Paul Miller
Lou - Fantastic! So... tell us... Have you ever had any stalker-like experiences?!...
Manny - Well, I really love talking with the people at the parties where I play. So, no.. I've never had this problem :)
Lou - Never say never, Manny!! Haha! Finally... Pick 4 dinner guests - alive or dead - and share your reasons why....
Manny - That's an easy question :)
1 - Giuseppe Ottaviani - cause he s the man
2 - Menno de Jong - 'cause the last time we had dinner together was really funny
3 - Cliff Conread - cause we always have competitions during our dinners in the past
4 - Sied van Riel - cause we always eat italian food.. especially Pizza :D
Lou - Not sure I want to know what the competitions are... ;) and pizza sounds gooooood! Mmmm... :) Thank you for your time Manny! :) Was great to you talk to you!
Manny - Kissess!
Lou - and if you want to keep your eye on what Mr le Saux is up to and where he's going next - check out
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