"Silent Shore Records was found in the spring of 2009 by Tibor Tomecko & Lukas Novak
for the purpose to deliver fresh and quality electronic music to the clubbing community.
We felt that there has to be some change in the world of electronic music.
a short time, we came up with an idea of an electronic music label which will combine
quality sounding tunes with massive ideas from talented producers worldwide. As
a label, our goal was to deliver emotive, energetic and banging sounds for everyone."
ReOrder was born in Martin, Slovakia in 1984. His preferred style of music is uplifting
& progressive trance. He started with music production at the age of 14. Initially
he tried producing many styles but trance was always the one for him. Finally in
2006 he started to focus only on trance production and trance music.
His first success came in July 2006 when he signed his first track called “No Faith”
to Total-Digital Records a sublabel of Bonzai Music which was lately released in
January 2008 saw his first vinyl which included the tracks “Experience” and “Sensitivity”
released on Wildchild Records a sublabel of Baroque Records and was supported by
Ferry Corsten, John Askew, Paul van Dyk, Armin van Burren, Markus Schulz, Matt Darey,
Andy Moor, Aly & Filla, Jon o Bir.
In 2009 he made a huge progress especially in remixing. 25 releases (19 remixes)
on 2009 promoted him in eyes of trance fans on Remixer of the year! End of 2009
number one DJ of the world Armin Van Buuren supported his collaboration tune “Come
With Me To Varanasi” in A State Of Trance radio show and has been selected by listeners
of this show as FUTURE FAVORITE. His releases are getting massive support regularly
in radio shows and live performances by Armin Van Buuren, Paul Van Dyk, Above &
Beyond, Ferry Corsten, Daniel Kandi, John o’ Callaghan, Sean Tyas, Tom Colontonio,
Pedro del Mar, Onova, Nitrous Oxide, Stoneface & Terminal, Solarstone, Aly & Fila,
Ernesto vs. Bastian, Ilya Soloviev, Suzy Solar, Veselin Tasev, Aurosonic, Bobina,
Shah, and many more respected DJs.

DanceMax 18/10/2011 17:12:57
kabbage1977 08/09/2011 16:46:58
thank you ReOrder for the free tracks, and congratulations on your label, 2 year running, the work from your label is magnificent!
DJ-Chris 08/09/2011 07:18:42
In order to download the track just click (right click) on the download button and save the file anywhere you like on your computer !!!
Ingrid 05/09/2011 18:47:20
Amazing, thank you so so much! Love those two tracks!
P.S The download works only with Internet Explorer or Mozilla :)
A Posteriori 24/08/2011 02:07:50
Download link is not working...
Above the Clouds 23/08/2011 14:27:07
Amazing tune!!!
ReOrder 22/08/2011 19:36:01
We should really do this more often:)
EL-Jay 22/08/2011 18:19:12
harvi 21/08/2011 08:30:39
awesome :D it works, good job guys :D
Pure Joie 20/08/2011 22:39:16
Thank you !! Awesome new tune from ReOrder. And massive trance week-end :)
GuidoL 19/08/2011 19:13:15
happy 2 year anniversary and thx for this free track ;)
DiscoverTrance 17/08/2011 22:41:08
fixed.. sorry about that :-)
harvi 17/08/2011 19:59:48
broken link guys....
Hensho 17/08/2011 18:44:53
i cannot download this tune :(((
DeJoker 17/08/2011 13:45:37
not bad, but could be better :P
Labour's Switch-To-Trance 16/08/2011 21:27:38
neda sa mi stiahnut Stone :) neviete preco?
K-Impulse 15/08/2011 22:47:59
Thanks! Great tune! :)
Dantheman 15/08/2011 20:45:54
Thanks guys, another master peice from reo \o/
DiscoverTrance 03/08/2011 11:32:53
We hope you enjoy this great new track from ReOrder.